5 in Downpipe for Kenworth
5 in Downpipe for Kenworth
5 in Downpipe for Kenworth
5 in Downpipe for Kenworth

5 in Downpipe for Kenworth

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$227.53 /
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This is a 5 in downpipe. It extends out straight from the turbo and then you can connect it to flex. The most common application we see this is on Kenworth's who's exhaust system runs under the cab. 

Have questions? Give us a call📞: 832-867-3345 (Ask for Nela or Edwin) 
They can answer your technical questions.

Available for pickup
In stock at Shop Location · Usually ready in 24 hours

In stock at Shop Location

5 in Downpipe for Kenworth

Available for pickup

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Usually ready in 24 hours

819 Hill Rd
Houston TX 77037
United States


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